Monday, 4 July 2022

Moondance youth training

Oseki Maasai Mara Camp got opportunity to interacted with students from Moondance adventures from USA.

Oseki Community with the help of wildlife Conservationists from Maa Silver Researchers Sopia Luka  Environmental Educator.

We are training them Classes like Boyhood to Warriorhood transition, Culture lectures about Maasai Community. BEADING WITH Maasai women's and 4R. Like repurposing plastics and used bottles.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Passion of Wildlife Conservation

We started the Semadep Connected Planet Conservation Club.

Connected Planet Organization for UK, donated their Materials and their fund to put a smile to Maasai Mara Kids. These children have never tour the next door Wildlife Sanctuary. But we got to create a Conservation Club.