Saturday 13 June 2015

Lake Nakuru National park.

Am glad today to be given a change to go research in lake Nakuru national park. these favour our more Maa Silver Research of flora and fauna. At the moment numerous Flamingoes and the breeding area in Lake Natron in Northern Tanzania other birds we encountered are the Marabou stork, yellow billed stork, Egyptian geese and  white breasted cormorants. The study was facilated by Kws senior community guide called Stephen Maena. We alighted in Makalia falls for more hope to encounter other species of birds. Many thanks to all who participated as community and domestic clients to our good Kenyan sceneries especially Mr. Mepukori Kenya police in Nakuru county from Laikipia. Water volume increases to HP 10.4 due High rain that flooded the rivers with no outlet and that led scarcity of blue Algae the main delicacy of both lesser and greater Flamingoes,  That is why other move periodically to Lake Bogoria.

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